Experience the benefits of operating your own home business with a reputable company!

Explanation For Required Fee

Each person that becomes an assembler with our company receives a sample modulator in order to aid him/her in the assembling process. In view of this, we need to ensure that those individuals who agree to assemble will do so, otherwise(as in the past) we will be shipping out hundreds of samples with no compensation. We need to ask for this fee so that only individuals with an invested interest will apply. This eliminates the request for free modulator parts from unmotivated individuals and saves us from wasting valuable time and resources. From experience, we have found that those willing to invest in their future have proven to be the most motivated and successful assemblers.

The Membership fee not only entitles you to lifetime employment but also includes replacement parts should an error occur, support, part ownership(as seen below), learning a new career, etc. Not only are we eagerly providing you with a WELL PAID career but we are also actually TRAINING you to do electronics assembly. How much would you need to pay if you attended a class? Remember when you were in school and wished you'd get paid to learn? Now you will get paid as you learn and have the added satisfaction of guaranteed lifetime employment with our company.

The membership fee actually makes you part of the International company! Within a few years your Membership Certificate itself may be worth SUBSTANTIALLY more than your initial investment...International stock could soon be traded on the London Stock Exchange. Presently, there are orders for 50,000 units and assemblers are needed right now! People are joining quickly and getting their friends to join also, positions are being filled daily. You can quickly regain your $250 investment by assembling just 34 modulators- most likely taking you less than 6 hours of work time.

You will receive a Membership Certificate, a sample modulator, and the assembly instructions. After you have tested the completed sample to make sure it works contact us and request the parts (modulator parts are free and there are no other expenses apart from the membership fee) to make 1 modulator. Once you have assembled your first unit mail it back to us to get a $7.50 paycheck plus a reimbursement on your envelope(s) and postage expenses.

When you start assembling more, you can fit 4 completed modulators into a 9x12 unpadded envelope with 6 first-class stamps. You are paid $7.50 per unit(that's $30 for 4 units), plus $1.25 reimbursement for your envelope- as well as postage cost...if you are in a country other than USA, we will refund your proper postage. Modulators fit in the palm of your hand, they are not will be working with a small product approximately 1.5 by 2.25 inches. After you successfully complete and send in your first unit, we will send you parts to make 5 more modulators, then 10, 15, 25, 50 and 100, up to 280 per week. Each time you send us 4 completed units in an envelope, we'll pay you for those and send you more kits. You can be paid by mail, or by Paypal, wire-transfer, or have funds added to your credit card. WE PAY THE SAME DAY we receive your completed kits.

*There are several other products you can assemble at home. You may request a different project if you prove to be unable to perform the modulator assembly.

*Many members hire local students to do the work, and pay them $5 per unit, keeping $2.50. You can do this can pocket $700 per week without ever touching a single modulator yourself!

*Here are the exact steps to modulator assembly, please look at each graphic just follow the step-by-step directions for gluing, twisting wires and soldering. YOU ARE CAPABLE and CAN do this!




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